BTR Partnership Award
This category will showcase how by working together there are many benefits to the partnership, the wider community, customers and the environment, whilst delivering quality, well managed homes.
The judges will be looking for partnerships that have successfully worked together and met the below criteria.
Please answer each element in up to 300 words.
- Why was the partnership developed and how did you overcome any challenges and meet your objectives?
- How does the partnership operate and why is this partnership unique?
- Provide evidence of the results achieved from the partnership, ie. financial success, benefiting customers, opportunities for the local community, use of technology commitment to the ESG agenda?
- How will you develop the partnership in the future?
Supporting materials: You may submit an additional three documents that you feel will enhance your entry (please make sure that any key information is included within the main awards submission). These documents will not be scored but can be used to evidence information supplied within the submission.
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