Best Build to Rent Development (North / Midlands / London / South)
This fast-growing sector is leading the way in quality developments aligned with customer experience. This is the category to showcase how you have embraced all that Build to Rent offers and pioneered ground-breaking ideas that have changed how the BTR property development is seen in the UK.
Please state which location category you are entering for.
The judges will be looking for developments that have successfully met the below criteria.
Please answer each element in up to 300 words.
- How has the location, facilities, ESG impact been considered?
- How was the consumer considered in the design?
- How have you utilised technology to enhance the customer experience?
- What is the strategic vision to provide a positive market impact?
- Have you developed any initiatives/partnerships for the wellbeing of the consumer?
Supporting materials: You may submit an additional three documents that you feel will enhance your entry (please make sure that any key information is included within the main awards submission). These documents will not be scored but can be used to evidence information supplied within the submission.
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